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Carol Rose Adkisson

Carol Rose Adkisson

The Trauma and Healing Foundation, USA

Title: The secret world of hoarders


Biography: Carol Rose Adkisson


Stepping into a Hoarders World is not as easy as you may think. A Hoarder has multiple layers that if peeled back, may possibly reveal a Family System that helps to enable their behaviors, traumatic events from their childhood, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive thinking and possibly an addictive personality that is compounded by delusional thinking. Would you like a peek into that world? Let’s help these clients that are more common than you may realize. Let us delve into that world and explore the depths of their secret world. This training will encompass many objectives that are important to understanding the hoarders that may cross your path. As a child of a hoarder, I grew up hoping to understand the underpinnings of my mother. Why were objects so important to her? As my sisters and I grew up and moved on, her hoarding increased, as it often does when there is no one to help stop the hoarding behaviors. She was diagnosed with cancer and thus we as a family helped her to the next stage of her life. Letting go of her things and moving her to an assisted living facility. We took her things away, either discarded, donated and/or sold them. Neither the family or she had no choice at that point. Because of this, I grew up with a heart to help this population to heal. This training will create a picture of the average hoarder and their family system. It’s important to understand the system to help the hoarder heal. It’s also necessary for the family to form an alliance, just as you would with an addict or an alcoholic. We will discuss the five stages of hoarding. The diagnostic criteria as presented in the DSM-5 and various treatment methods to deal with this insidious problem. Many times, as clinicians you are unaware that your clients present with this problem. This is generally a secret condition, they are not hoarders, instead, they are collectors, at least in their mind, however delusional it may be. Let me help you to lead your clients to success and freedom.